Thursday, May 28, 2009

I Love My Boyfriend

He can be a jerk sometimes, but that's okay. I am too.

Had another stress test today. I was much more relaxed this time. And it showed. His heartbeat was fairly stable and again, the nurse said that it looked perfect. It's weird laying on the bed with these two little monitors strapped to your belly. They're just...there. I don't know. I got to listen to it for a whole 30 minutes. His heart beating. It was the most calming and euphoric sensation imaginable. I would absolutely love to be able to hear it all day. I know its beating right now as I type, but I can't hear it let alone feel it.

He's 5 pounds 4 ounces!! I can't even tell. He is big. My mom is afraid that he'll be coming out early. I can't say I'm not either. He's still head down and apparently sitting indian style. I can feel his knee pressing up into my ribcage on the left side of my body all the time. I thought I was imagining it, but the sonogramist reassured me that he was indeed doing it on purpose. Eric is a little upset because he missed the ultrasound. In my defense, I had no idea that I was going to have one or I would have told him. The nurse said she saw that it was on her chart and that I had to get it. I hadn't had one for this hospitals records. More later. I'M EATING STEAK!

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